Leonardo Novelo / Architectural Boundaries
Practice & Writings 

Non-homogenised tomorrow. 

"Non-homogenised tomorrow"

Magister Class by Leonardo Novelo / CEO – Founder of
INPUTmap given at ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. Tuesday, June the 6th of 2017. Image Credit: Vladimir Čičmanec (Facebook) picture of Lucie Myslíková standing up to neonazi at rally in Brno.

“Non-homogenised tomorrow”

Conferencia magistral por Leonardo Novelo / CEO – Founder de INPUTmap en ELISAVA Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona. Martes 6 de Julio de 2017. Crédito Imagen: Vladimir Čičmanec (Facebook) fotografía a Lucie Myslíková frente a un manifestante neonazi en Brno.

© 2024 Leonardo Novelo